Quality is paramount to us and an integral part of our customer promise. It is an endless journey and at GSL we continually seek ways to improve.
We have always been proud to offer our clients what we consider to be the highest standards of service and quality in our industry. However, that was not enough for us. We not only wanted to prove our quality by independent audits, we also wanted to use the auditing process to help us in our drive for excellence.
Confident in our people, processes and systems, in 2007 we invested in the highest levels of industry certification. In 2008, GSL was audited and in that very same year, we were awarded certifications in every category for which we applied. Today, we are the only 3PL company in the Middle East who has this level of certification and we are amongst a very select few worldwide logistics providers, recognized with these awards for such quality excellence.
Our company vigorously continues its quality journey. Every year, our quality, processes, procedures and best practices are audited externally by globally recognized auditors (we also regularly audit internally). This not only ensures our ongoing improvements of quality but helps identify opportunities to further improve our systems. Our clients can rest assured, that the trust they have bestowed on us, as the custodians of their products and managing a key part of their business, is fully rewarded.
Security of products and employees is one of our highest priorities. GSL has heavily invested in the highest quality of security systems throughout the business, so our clients can rest assured that their goods are safe in our hands.
Health and Safety are integral to GSL’s quality systems. It is our goal to eliminate all risks related to the health and safety our employees, contractors, clients and visitors. Our dedicated quality experts ensure there is no deviation to our procedures and systems.
The Environment can never be ignored; we respect and care for our surroundings and neighbours. It is one of our company’s goals to protect the environment, ensuring sustainability for our coming generations.
GSL’s industry leading ISO certificates